Sight Seaing

  • Category: Web Design
  • Team Size: 3
  • Year: 2019

This project, in a supposed collaboration with the “Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas (ICNF)” consisted in the making of an app/website where people could submit species they’d find while going around the island. We made the site “Site Seaing” while making it look like an app. In the landing page, there are three buttons with info about how it works, a list of species and their information (how many were seen) and some contacts.

The website is available on:

How it works

When opening the page/app, the user lands on the first page seen below. It has one button for picture taking and three other buttons: one for a quick guide on how it works, one for the data on the species, and one for contacting. When the user sees an animal, he takes a picture of it by clicking on the first button. They are then redirected to a page with dropdown menus regarding the species they're reporting, that they must fill, before finally submitting the photo and information.

The landing page
The photo submission page
The dolphin data page

The landing page, the photo submission page, and the data page for dolphins.