About me

Hello! My name is Diogo, I'm 25 and I'm a designer who graduated from the University of Madeira. I like coding in HTML and CSS. My favorite area of design is Web Design but I would like to learn more about Photography and Video as I find these areas very interesting.

Work Experience


August 2022

I returned to, at the time, ON7, for another internship, where I ended up staying. It then got transformed into ONESEVEN under different management but with the same employees. I am currently working at ONESEVEN doing design and production.


September 2020

At this company I mostly did small projects like calendars, social media posts and restaurant menus... Can't say these were my favorite projects but someone has to do them.

Pixel Velocity EXPLOREit

February 2020
April 2020

Invited by an, at the time, current web design teacher, I was given the opportunity to intern at a new company he was a part of, helping with developing the front-end for this new App that is yet to be released. It helped me expand my knowledge of web design, especially when it comes to working in a team through GitLab and SourceTree.

ON7 Publicidade

Summer 2019

During the summer of 2019, I interned at ON7. This internship lasted around one month and I got to learn about file preparation for printing, how the printers work, laser cutting as well as how a company operates.

Academic History

Universidade da Madeira

September 2018
June 2020


After the first year I transferred back to my homeland to finish the course, this time in a similar course that wasn't as specialized in graphic design but had a more generic approach to different types of design. I studied at this university for the next two years having finished my bachelor here.

Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade Porto

September 2017
June 2018

Communication Design

I studied in Porto during my first year, in a course that was more specialized in graphic design, mostly learning the basics about software and the theoretical part.